With headquarters in Tallinn, Estonia, Toggl Hire’s fully remote, highly skilled team helps small businesses, remote companies, startups, HR teams, and developers to improve their branding, identify top talent, and make faster hiring decisions. We offer employment assessment tools, candidate selection tools, and remote hiring tools to create pre-employment tests and skills assessment tests for skills testing and hiring remote employees. By using our recruiting software, you can save time screening cover letters, resumes, and applicants. The process involves signing up for Toggl Hire, creating your job opening, curating tests or creating new ones, and sharing them on the job board. Our test builder can generate customized, 15-20 minute-long skills tests from our 1300+ question database according to selected skills. For instance, you can auto-generate difficult, time-pressure tests for developers to assess their technical skills in 29 programming languages. Further, you can filter and organize thousands of worldwide candidates by their attitude, cultural fit, technical skills, problem-solving skills, and team-working styles. It will eliminate unconscious hiring bias and promote diversity and inclusion in your workplace. For optimizing the hiring process, you can review key data on your dashboard and add notes, ratings, and tags. You can get insights into the number of test-takers, the best questions, the strongest recruitment channels, the candidates’ strengths, and weaknesses, and more, and refine and improve your recruitment funnel. You can also integrate our recruitment software with ATS tools like Greenhouse & Workable. Find out about our recruiting software at &