There are many advantages to renting a car. Even if you have your own vehicle, this option should be seriously considered for several reasons at once. In our country, car rental for travel is rare: more often this opportunity is used for various events and with special need.
Of course, your final decision to rent a car will directly depend on the combination of price and quality. Discounts will also play a role: most of the rental companies https://rentdrive.ua/en/ are willing to make concessions for customers who are ready to rent a car for a long time. However, you will inevitably have to face the process of examining and choosing a car. There are 10 main points to pay attention to.
Body type.
Body type is the determining factor, which more than others influences the choice of a car in general. If you need a representative and solid option, choose a sedan. For a family or a large company, a hatchback or station wagon is best suited.
For out-of-town trips, it is better to take an SUV (for off-road) or a pickup (for field and country roads). The crossover is a universal option for almost all use cases: such a car has a soft suspension, relatively high cross-country ability, looks good and offers a lot of space in the cabin.
Depending on the purpose of the rented car, you should pay attention to the appearance. For out-of-town trips, this does not really matter, unless there are clear signs of «cruel» treatment on the car — then you should take a closer look at the chassis and engine (this will be a separate paragraph of the article).
For weddings, meetings from the hospital and other similar cases, only a car in good condition is suitable: no scratches, chips and scuffs on the body. It is also worth paying attention to the disks — they should also be without visible traces of use.
Model and manufacturer.
It is worth paying attention to such banal parameters as the car manufacturer, its model and year of manufacture.
Practice shows that cars from Korean, Chinese and domestic manufacturers are less popular. The same applies to Eastern European brands — for example, Skoda is a good car, but initially budget, unlike Mercedes, BMW or Lexus.
- Interior condition.
When you figured out if the exterior of the car suits you, you should figure out the interior. Pay attention to the seat cover. Height and position adjustments should work as well — after leaving you will hardly have time to change your car for this reason, and you will certainly lose in convenience.
It is desirable (but not necessary) to have headrests, armrests and cup holders — these are the attributes of a truly comfortable travel vehicle. If you are renting a car for short term events, then the last tip can be ignored.
- The amount of free space.
Each potential client of a car rental company should come for an inspection with someone else. Together, you can easily assess whether there is enough space in the cabin for a comfortable journey: you can get behind the wheel, and your companion in the back seat behind you. If your knees rest on the seat, then it is better to look for another option.
If you plan to use a child seat, install it in advance and evaluate the comfort for the child. Ideally, it is better to rent crossovers and SUVs — they a priori have more space for the driver and passengers. The disadvantage of such cars is the relatively high fuel consumption in the combined cycle of use.
- The presence of a video recorder.
An important point that will help to avoid many controversial situations. If there is still no place for the DVR, then check with the landlord whether you can use your own: this way you can avoid substantial fines for road accidents. - Additional options.
Check if there is a place for a child seat and if the company rents them. Check in advance that the seat belts and anchorages are in good condition. Ideally, you need to come with the child and let him sit in a chair — he will have to go for a long time, and any inconveniences will be remembered for a long time and will seriously spoil the impression of the trip.
Also check if the car has a first aid kit, jack, spare wheel and fire extinguisher. A pump with other basic tools for auto repair «in the field» will not be superfluous. Check if the alarm is working and if it is configured correctly: neither the “silent” or “screaming” options will suit you with every rustle — this can seriously ruin your rest.